Virtual Consults
Site Visits reopen the week of September 17th so please check back!
Sometimes it's difficult to know where to start when it comes to a garden or restoration site! Satinflower Nurseries is here to offer custom virtual consultations to help you create a beautiful space that also contributes to your regions biodiversity and pollinator health.
Virtual Consultations take place over zoom and are quick and easy, they include:
Site preparation guidance
Planting density, timing & schedule
Ongoing maintenance tips
Customized plant lists
Advice for your project or property
Ongoing consultation available
Virtual Consults are $70/hour, which is typically the perfect amount of time to obtain an understanding of your site so we can send appropriate follow-up. If we need more time we can always schedule another meeting.
The following questions will be asked prior to confirming your site visit:
- What is the approximate size of the area?
- What are your goals? eg. attract pollinators, resist deer browsing, control erosion, provide winter colour & texture, offer blooming plants from spring into fall, create privacy, ensure low maintenance, other?
- What kind of work have you done so far? eg. removed plants, added soil or mulch, tried plants/seeds that failed or thrived
- What is the sun direction and exposure? eg. full sun, south-facing
- What is the soil like? eg. heavy clay, sandy, wet in winter, dry in summer
- What are your barriers so far? eg. my huckleberry keeps dying, it's too hot for most plants I've tried.
- Anything else you would like us to know?