Inspiring and empowering people to connect with nature through native plants

Seed Packets Available!

It's an exciting time of year for gardeners, landscapers, and restoration enthusiasts alike. Many native plants are best sown in the fall because they rely on processes like cold stratification to germinate in the spring. The fall rains and cold temperatures help begin the seeds lifecycle!

Seed should be ordered through our website before pick up.


We package most seed packets by request. Packets available on the website will not necessarily be available in person. Feel free to call or email ahead of your visit to check on in-store availability.

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 Native Plant & Seed Gift Cards

Native Plant & Seed Gift Cards

Gift cards are available through our Garden Cart. You can specify in the 'order notes' if you would like a paper copy to pick up or mailed. Otherwise, it is sent digitally to your email of choice.

Buy One Here


Satinflower Nurseries (Saanich) is located on the traditional territories of the WSÁNEĆ (Saanich) People. The four village sites and or Nations of the WSÁNEĆ People on the Saanich Peninsula are W̱JOȽEȽEP (Tsartlip), SȾÁU,TW̱ (Tsawout), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), and WSÍ,KEM (Tseycum). Satinflower Nurseries MEṮŚOSEṈ (Metchosin) is the traditional territory of Sc’ianew (Beecher Bay), shared with lək̓ʷəŋən Peoples (Songhees and Esquimalt) and neighbouring traditional territories of the T’sou’ke (Sooke) People.

Attention Indigenous Partners - Please be in touch by email to discuss plant gifts and discounts for Community Partners & Projects


Satinflower Nurseries -Saanich


We have moved from 741 Haliburton Rd (Haliburton Farm) and relocating to 2716 Dooley Road (OPENING APRIL 8TH)

Saanich, BC Canada

W̱SÁNEĆ Territory

Phone Number: 778 679 3459

No pets please.

Get Directions

Satinflower Nurseries - Metchosin

4286 Metchosin Road

Metchosin, BC Canada

Scia'new Territory and shared territories of T’Sou-ke, and lək̓ʷəŋən Peoples (Songhees and Esquimalt)

Phone Number: 778 679 8051

No pets please.

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