Meadow Restoration within Drumbeg Provincial Park, Gabriola Island

Written December 9th, 2021
By: Kristen Miskelly, Satinflower Nurseries
Satinflower Nurseries has helped with meadow restoration within Drumbeg Provincial Park, Gabriola Island since 2020. We were able to make a few visits this year with the leaders of this work, BC Parks and Gabriola Lands & Trails Trust Gabriola Land and Trails Trust - GaLTT - Gabriola Island, BC, Canada. Trail building, land and eco-system preservation and management on Gabriola Island. Volunteers with GaLTT are working hard to restore these maritime meadows; meadow restoration at the site includes broom removal, thatch removal (mowing and raking), as well as adding native plants and seeds.
The feature image for this post show James Miskelly, Satinflower Nurseries, showing volunteers how to remove Orchard Grass (Dactylis glomerata) from the meadow using the carpet knife technique. Continue reading to learn about this technique in more depth.
Orchard grass can be removed by cutting below the root/shoot interface with a curved carpet knife. Alternatively, individual 'tillers' can be pulled to effectively rid of bunches, opening new space for smothered native plants or new opportunities for plugs, plants, and seeds to be added. Adding native plants can provide habitat and resources for wildlife, increase plant diversity and cover, and reduce weedy invasions.
Orchard Grass (Dactylis glomerata) inflorescence.
Orchard Grass can be removed by cutting below the root/shoot interface with a carpet knife (left) or by pulling individual tillers (right).
- Satinflower Nurseries