Native Pollinator Seed Mix - Satinflower Nurseries x Pollinator Partnership Canada

Native Pollinator Seed Mix - Satinflower Nurseries x Pollinator Partnership Canada

Satinflower Nurseries and Pollinator Partnership Canada have teamed up to create a Native Plant Pollinator Seed Mix.

 $2 from your purchase is donated to support pollinator habitats! Limited Quantity.

Buy Pollinator Seed Packets HERE

This beautiful and diverse native seed blend for full sun will provide blooms from spring to fall and attract a diversity of native bees and butterflies.  


About this native seed blend:

All of the plants in this seed blend are native to the mid to lower half of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands and support native pollinators. The seeds are produced at Satinflower Nurseries from field-grown native plants (not collected from the wild). They are grown without herbicides, pesticides (including neonicotinoids), or chemical fertilizers.

We have created two seed pack designs, one showing a native cedar hairstreak butterfly on Spring Gold, and the other featuring an orchard mason bee on Sea Blush. 

Cost: $10

Coverage: 1-2 square metres 

The blend includes an assemblage of both annuals and perennials for full sun.

To learn more about these plants, look under species details on the individual plant pages. For seedling photos, visit our Cotyledon Catalogue

Sowing timing: Sow from fall to early spring (no later than mid-March). We do not recommend sowing this seed mix in the late spring or any time in the summer. 

Light: Full sun

Moisture: Dry to Mesic (medium moisture)

Sowing depth: Scatter seed outdoors on bare soil surface in pots, or directly on the ground. Very light raking can help with seed-to-soil contact, but do not bury the seeds too deeply. A good rule of thumb is to bury the seed as deep as they are wide. Many native seeds are very small, and should remain toward the surface. Read more here.

Soil: These seeds can thrive in various soil conditions.

Watering: The species in this blend are adapted to our dry summers and do not require supplemental watering.  However, supplemental water can sometimes encourage a longer growing season and bloom time. Be careful not to overwater. 

Coverage: Your seeds are blended with vermiculite to aid spread.  Sprinkle over 1-2 square metres.

*annuals like sea Blush and Farewell-to-Spring naturally die after flowering and will come back year-to-year if their seed lands on bare soil and is not covered by mulch or vegetation. 

Why native plants for pollinators?

Native plants support pollinators. Native plant flowers provide pollen and nectar to a variety of pollinators and insects, including native bees, flower flies, butterflies, moths, beetles, and more.  Native plants have co-evolved with the amazing diversity of native bees, butterflies, and other pollinators in our area and are best for supporting a diversity of pollinators

Your purchase helps pollinators beyond the seeds in the pack!

$2 from every packet going directly to Pollinator Partnership Canada

 Questions or comments about the seed packs? Contact


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